
Volleyball Advanced Underhand passing

$ 30 cad
+ available add-ons
Mon, Apr 1, 2019, 8:00 – 10:00 PM CST
Sylvia Fedoruk School, 628 Manek Rd, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Map
Volleyball Advanced Underhand passing

This session is for Club Age participants.

Accurate and consistent passing can result in aggressive multiple attacks. Be sure that players are in the ready position preparing to execute the proper technique before the serve and during a rally. The athlete must face and focus on the oncoming ball. Ensure that the athlete’s arms and hands are in the correct position with wrists together. The legs are a little further than shoulder width apart with feet parallel. The ball is contacted on the forearms. Upon contact, the athlete maintains a stationary straight-arm position so that the ball rebounds off the lower part of the forearms and is directed to the target. The knees are extended to raise the arms forward upon contact. Straightening the legs completes the pass; the arms are behind the ball, and weight is transferred in the direction of the pass, not upwards.



Darren Cannell

Canadian Elite Academy Head Coach

Contact us


Sylvia Fedoruk School, 628 Manek Rd, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


  • Medium High School Junior team member and/or one year club experience